Workflow both within NSL editor/search and work done outside.
Maybe write the main workflow then we can add side flow like getting info from BHL etc. (this might be part of the main work flow just thinking this might be an example...)
... get new publication
.... call up name
... check existing data
.... create reference
Data Quality Checks
.... type of checks (will include links to any outputs written later)
2 March 2016
Workflow for APNI Data Entry
Editor Overview?
e.g. use of the different tabs
Editing existing data
Entering new data
It’s important to check the existing records to ensure that something is not already there. If you cannot find something with an exact search (e.g. pasting a full journal title) but it seems like data “should” already be in APNI (e.g. well-established authors and standard references) it’s worth re-checking your search terms and spending a while to do a search with fragmentary search terms to see if perhaps the information has been entered with an alternative (or incorrect!) spelling or in an abbreviated form.
Add a diagram with workflow as follows?
- name published
- name found in literature search
- assessment of whether name needs to go into APNI
- name and associated information entered into APNI
- name added to APC update list
Entering a new name
Entering a new reference
Entering new author/s