• Lists are compiled in Microsoft Word. To begin, make sure the APCList.dot template is installed on your computer. This template is formatted as we want the lists to be (with set margins, page numbers, fonts and sizes etc.). The most important aspect is the styles contained in the template.
• Take an extract of a given family (or genus or group) from http://www.anbg.gov.au/cpbr/databases/apni-search-names-only.html (NOTE: This no No longer works, logged as JIRA issue , extracted TAXON_NAME, FAMILY using V_APNI). Need to identify a new way to do it.
• Paste this extract into a document based on the template “APClist.dot” (File->New and either choose APClist.dot from “Recent Templates”, or click “Templates on my Computer” and find it that way). When pasting, use Edit->Paste Special->Unformatted Text to avoid bringing across any styles from the web page).
• The styles are named in a fairly self-explanatory fashion. A family entry has the style “Family”, a genus has the style “Genus” and so on.
• Sample layout (extract) to show use of the APC styles: